Services We Offer

A 360º packaging perspective – How boots on the ground insights prevent up in the air decisions

We have developed and refined our Smart360 process to where we can now quickly assess and action improvements for clients. However, this process works best if we can get up close to the coalface. Only with this careful on-site analysis can companies know with certainty their packaging is 100% fit for purpose.

Packaging peace of mind is a beautiful thing. That’s when companies know every product is contained in as efficient, sustainable, and effective way as possible given the unique circumstances and environment they operate in.

But how often is this peace of mind possible, given that most companies work within a ‘business as usual’ approach?

Confidence can only come through the type of in-depth knowledge possible from a thorough on-site assessment. Our Smart360 system provides precise data around a wide range of measurables, clarity that ensures businesses can make well-considered decisions for enduring results.

“Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”

Donald Rumsfeld, Former US Secretary of Defence.

So, how does it work? We follow a three-step, results-orientated approach to ensure packaging aligns with a business’s strategic and economic development plans.

Step 1: Analyse

Packaging fills many roles, from safe containment, through to marketing, and on to providing a robust vessel for the end user to access the product. With every movement, there is an opportunity to make changes, which can result in cumulative savings.

“The initial in-house assessment focused on the bags being the issue. However, closer analysis from our team found the root cause was in new bagging technology…”

Our analysts look closely at entire life cycle of the bag or sack. From manufacturing through to filling orders we’ll check each point to see where packaging processes and products can be improved.

This means looking at waste numbers for any issues, as well as checking sales cycles and operational processes. We’ll assess how your inventory is managed and how each product is placed in the market. Often, small additions or alterations have been made to meet the needs of the moment. However, without regular analysis, it can be hard to see whether these changes are still serving the right purpose.

One such example occurred with a company that was struggling with valve bags blowing up. The initial in-house assessment focused on the bags being the issue. However, closer analysis from our team found the root cause was in new bagging technology that had been recently implemented.

Our on-site diagnosis quickly established the best way forward – establishing the correct pressure and filling speed settings of the equipment. This didn’t just save ongoing costs associated with replacement bags. It also prevented a costly change in packaging.

Step 2: Optimise

A detailed analysis of the status quo will generally unearth opportunities for further optimisation.

A recent on-site assessment for one customer uncovered that bags were overhanging on pallets, which was causing several issues during storage and shipping. The packaging was over-specified for what was needed, and our subsequent recommendation reduced the size and, in doing so, reduced plastic use while increasing stability during transit.

By adding something like a gusset to a packaging product, more products may be able to be fitted onto a pallet, for example, reducing shipping costs. Of course, for some companies, a complete overhaul of product or packaging design may be suggested. This could be in line with new technologies in packaging, which might better serve the needs of your business and help you meet sustainability goals. Or a new Environmental Management System might be recommended.

Step 3: Implement

Once you have the data on hand, we can help you to embed pragmatic, effective changes that will optimise systems and increase savings. Sometimes it’s just a small tweak here and there that is needed for a positive result.

This might look like new product packaging created by our design team to better suit your needs, or a simple adjustment to existing packaging, through to a more efficient layout of your distribution centre. As we provide full in-house service for packaging design and supply, it can be simple and quick to implement changes.

This follow-through means your Smart360 analysis is always far more than a box ticking exercise. It allows companies throughout Australasia to remove the unknowns and pack, store, send, and sell with confidence.

To book a Smart360 site audit, click here.


How to stay sustainably accountable – why EcoVadis accreditation matters

As the pace and the pressure increase to both lessen our impact and protect the environment it has never been more important to be sustainably accountable. Yet, it can be difficult to see both the small details and big picture of this impact. 

The business community has become increasingly cynical of empty promises. Many have grown wise to (and tired of) ‘greenwashing’, and expect brands to step up and be sustainably accountable for their actions. But how does a company prove that its dedication to positive change is more than just beguiling words?

Setting goals and measuring success against Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors is an effective framework for ensuring sustainability practices are meaningful and effective. At Smart Pack, being transparent about our ESG practices, targets, and performance is essential to being accountable. It’s how we can show that we’re doing far more than pushing an empty slogan.

Many of our customers, particularly larger companies, need this information too. Ensuring they meet their own ESG reporting needs and fully understand their supply chains is vital.

Our clients don’t just want sustainable packaging options, they need to be able to prove that the packaging supplier they’ve chosen is a truly better option.

We knew we needed to increase our reporting capabilities so clients could be confident every part of our supply chain was covered and accountable – and that this information was backed-up with solid data.

Stepping up our sustainable accountability

In 2022, we began to consider our options for improved and more transparent sustainability reporting. There are plenty of options, but one stood out from the rest.

EcoVadis is considered the gold standard for measuring the sustainability performance of a company. This internationally recognized standard also matched the global scale of our network. EcoVadis was the right fit for our ambition.

To become EcoVadis rated we’ve had to complete a rigorous assessment process. This included measuring and sharing data on 21 different ESG indicators, including:

  • Environment – Evaluating our environmental impact, from energy consumption and emissions, to waste management
  • Labour and human rights –  We’ve looked closely at our health and safety practices, working conditions, and diversity across Smart Pack’s operations and supply chain
  • Ethics – Ensuring we stay true to strong ethical business practices and do not participate in corruption or anti-competitive practices
  • Sustainable procurement –  Looking at the sustainability of how Smart Pack sources our goods and services.

EcoVadis’ experts then spent months assessing the information and data and reviewed our performance and practices based on the Global Reporting Index (GRI), ISO 26000, the United Nations Global Compact and other international standards.

We’re proud to say that we achieved a Platinum rating, scoring particularly highly on environmental and ethical factors. This rating is in the top 1% of EcoVadis rated companies

The importance of accreditation

Good accreditation is all about delivering credible accountability. It’s easy enough to look at your own ESG factors and environmental initiatives and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. What is harder is to put your framework and processes under someone else’s microscope.

Engaging an internationally recognised auditing firm to conduct an assessment has enabled us to look deeper at our practices and our targets. By measuring our progress against international standards it has revealed areas for improvement and helped us to define our targets more clearly.

Our clients and contacts operate on a global scale, and we understand how important it is to reassure them that we’re doing everything we can so that our supply chain is absolutely transparent and entirely accountable. Everything is that much easier when we’re using frameworks and data to demonstrate the results.

Accreditation is reassessed annually and we’ll need to continue to perform at a high level to keep our rating. Of course, we can’t afford to take our foot off the accelerator. Consistently striving to do better, to keep measuring and assessing all that we do, helps us to grow and improve.

Accountability is a powerful tool to help companies do better by their customers, their communities and the environment. At Smart Pack we’ve found EcoVadis is perfect for first setting the standard and then inspiring our team to surpass it.

Product Innovations

Packaging food for thought – 4 recent innovations helping NZ’s onion and potato growers

As Kiwi growers embrace change with greater enthusiasm it’s safe to say “the way things have always been done” ethos is now a thing of the past. With an approach that’s equal parts common sense and uncommon innovation, they are now securing, sending, and selling their produce with a future-forward mindset.

In the world of onions and potatoes, where tradition often reigns supreme, we have noticed a real appetite for change recently.

Backed by our focus on research and development, this demand has allowed us to introduce and implement efficiencies that are now transforming the way produce is packaged and presented. As a result they’re celebrating important gains in packing efficiency, range adaptability, and packaging durability.

Here are four new approaches that have helped the onion and potato industry send their best product forward:

1. Bigger (and smaller) is better: An expanded size range for onion bags.

At Smart Pack we recognised the traditional limitations of onion bag sizes, and so got to developing further options to cater to the industry’s diverse needs. Whether it’s petite shallots or hefty onions, we can provide the perfect bag size to suit what’s needed.

2. Starting at the bottom (now we’re here): Block-Bottom potato bags.

The pioneering design of the new potato bags facilitate better stacking, enhanced in-store display, and increased space for brand messaging. With these block-bottom potato bags, products stand tall and proud, commanding attention on the shelves.

3. There’s something in the air: Introduction of Leno Bags for potatoes.

Responding to regional preferences, we’ve introduced a novel packaging solution tailored to local markets. Our Leno bags combine functionality with style, offering a unique packaging solution that has resonated with target audiences. This novel packaging solution has been a winner with our customers, the lightweight yet sturdy mesh fabric, reducing the overall weight and ensuring exporters can ship more bags per container.

4. In the eye of the bag-holder: Tailored design and marketing support.

Thanks to the collaborative support of our in-house design team, Kiwi growers are enjoying the ease with which packaging design can align and advance their brand identity. Whether it’s a rustic, artisanal look or a sleek, modern aesthetic, we can create packaging that reflects your brand values and resonates with your audience.

If you’d like to know more about how Smart Pack’s onion and potato packaging innovation can help you, get in touch with our team today.


Maximise exporting Potatoes with Smart Pack’s Leno Mesh Potato Bags

Are you in the business of exporting potatoes and looking for ways to optimize your packaging costs? Look no further! Smart Pack Limited introduces our new Leno Mesh Potato Bag range, designed to not only safely transport your product from A to B but also help you save money on exporting. In this blog, we will share some valuable tips on how to maximize cost-efficiency while utilizing our new leno mesh bags for your potato exports.

Lightweight Design:

One of the key advantages of our leno mesh potato bags is their lightweight construction. Traditional bags made from heavier materials, such as hessian, can significantly add to shipping costs due to increased weight. Our leno mesh bags are engineered with a lightweight yet sturdy mesh fabric, reducing the overall weight of each bag. This enables you to ship more bags per container, maximizing your export volume without incurring additional freight expenses.

Increased Ventilation:

Proper ventilation is crucial for maintaining the freshness and quality of potatoes during transportation. Unlike some more solid bags that restrict airflow, our leno mesh bags feature an open weave pattern that allows for optimal air circulation, as well as, help with shaking of any excess dirt on the potatoes. Improved ventilation helps regulate temperature and humidity, preventing moisture buildup that can lead to rot or spoilage. By using our leno mesh bags, you can minimize the risk of product damage, reducing potential financial losses.

Customized Sizing:

Smart Pack Limited understands that every potato export venture has unique requirements. To optimize cost-efficiency, our leno mesh bags can be customized in terms of size and capacity. By tailoring the bag dimensions to match the specific volume of your potato shipment, you can minimize unused space, prevent overpacking, and ultimately reduce overall packaging costs. Our team of experts can assist you in determining the ideal bag size for your export needs.

Bulk Ordering:

Maximize your savings by taking advantage of our bulk ordering options. By purchasing our leno mesh bags in large quantities, you can benefit from economies of scale, obtaining preferential pricing that lowers your cost per unit. Smart Pack Limited values long-term partnerships and is committed to offering competitive pricing for our valued customers.

Faster Processing

Our new leno mesh Potato bags feature a new beige weave that helps your operational team quickly and easily identify the product, speeding up packing and transporting processes. Creating efficiencies in any type of operational process within your business then saves on personnel and freight costs, with the added bonus of increasing satisfaction with your end customers.

Exporting potatoes can be a profitable venture, but optimizing packaging costs is essential for maximizing your profitability. Smart Pack’s Leno mesh potato bag range presents an innovative solution that not only enhances product quality but also helps you save money. With lightweight design, increased ventilation, enhanced durability, customized sizing, and bulk ordering options, our leno mesh bags provide a cost-effective packaging solution for your potato exports. Make a smart choice for your business by partnering with Smart Pack to revolutionize your potato packaging process today. | hello@

06 356 9835 | hello@

Multi-use vs. Single-use Bulk Bags: Key Factors to Consider

Bulk bags, also known as flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs), are large bags designed for carrying and storing large quantities of materials. They are available in different types, including multi-use and single-use bulk bags. While both types of bags serve the same purpose, there are significant differences between them that buyers need to know before making a decision.

Single-use bulk bags, also known as disposable bags, are made of materials such as polypropylene and are intended for one-time use only. They are designed to carry and store bulk materials such as powders, granules, and grains. Once they have been used, they are disposed of and replaced with new ones.

On the other hand, multi-use bulk bags are designed to be used multiple times before they need to be replaced. They are made of durable materials such as woven polypropylene and have a higher capacity to withstand heavy loads and rough handling. Multi-use bulk bags are also referred to as reusable bags, as they can be used several times before they reach the end of their service life.

Here are some factors to consider when deciding between multi-use and single-use bulk bags:


Single-use bulk bags are generally less expensive than multi-use bulk bags. However, the cost of using single-use bags can add up quickly if they are used frequently. In contrast, multi-use bulk bags require a higher upfront investment but can be cost-effective in the long run due to their durability and reusability.

Environmental Impact:

Single-use bulk bags have a significant environmental impact as they contribute to the growing amount of waste generated globally. In contrast, multi-use bulk bags are eco-friendly as they reduce waste and help conserve resources. They also help reduce carbon emissions as fewer bags are required overall.


Single-use bulk bags are recommended in situations where hygiene is a top priority. For example, in the food industry, where contamination can pose a significant risk to public health. Single-use bags can be easily disposed of after use, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. Multi-use bags require regular cleaning and inspection to ensure they remain hygienic and safe to use.

Storage Space:

Single-use bags take up less storage space than multi-use bags, making them a better option for companies with limited storage space. Multi-use bags require more space for storage as they need to be stored properly to prevent damage and maintain their quality.


Both multi-use and single-use bulk bags have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between the two depends on the needs of the user. Single-use bags are a cost-effective option for those who require bulk storage occasionally and need to conserve storage space. Multi-use bags are a more sustainable option for those who require frequent bulk storage and handling of materials. Ultimately, choosing the right type of bulk bag comes down to a careful consideration of the specific needs of the user.

Still unsure which type of bulk bag is best for your business? Get in touch with our team to discuss your specific needs and receive personalised recommendations.
06 356 9835 | hello@